Parent Nominations for the 24-25 SOT HAPPENING NOW!

As the school year progresses, we are preparing to nominate and elect the 24-25 School Organizational Team members.  The role of the SOT is to help guide and approve East Tech's plan of operations, which includes the budget and the school performance plan.  

If you are interested in serving in this role, please use this link to nominate yourself no later than Wednesday, September 4th.  Voting will occur the week of September 9th. 

SOT members require a monthly meeting commitment, and we offer a hybrid format (via Google meet or in person) typically from  4-5PM.  

If you have any questions, please call us at 702-799-8888.  This year, our SOT will be comprised of the school principal, 2 licensed staff members, 1 education support professional, 4 parents or guardians, 1 student, and 1 or more community members. 

HERE is the nomination form.